So the bells winds all floral registers in the bed and tub

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
The Lord of the Rings (film series) All Cast: Then and Now ★ 2020
Video: The Lord of the Rings (film series) All Cast: Then and Now ★ 2020


The bell vine is a pretty climber

So the bells winds all floral registers in the bed and tub

Restraint is a foreign word for the bell vine. It shows such a breathtaking growth that a dense foliage is already spreading when the magnificent calyx flowers appear in June. How to properly cultivate the dynamic bell-bells and even hibernate them well with a little skill, will no longer be hidden here. Read practical answers to frequently asked questions here.

Plant the bell vine properly

Your bell glass, which has been brought forward behind glass or bought in the garden center, will be planted in the bed from mid-May. Put the potted root ball in water until no more air bubbles appear. Meanwhile, at a distance of 30 cm, you lift out pits with twice the volume of the root ball. These steps continue:

If the tendrils are already long enough, attach them to the lower struts of the climbing aid. In the further course, the bell vine independently finds its way upwards thanks to its claw-shaped rank organs.
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care Tips

The focal point of proper care is the regular and abundant supply of irrigation water. All other cultivation measures are behind it. How to do it right:

If the mercury column falls below the 10-degree mark in the fall, clear the bell vine in the bright winter quarters with temperatures of 10-12 degrees Celsius.
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Which location is suitable?

In the sunny, warm and luftumspülten location shows bell winds from its most beautiful side. In partially shaded locations, the exorbitant water requirement is reduced; in return, the abundance of flowers falls short of expectations. An advantage is a rain-protected place under an awning or a roof projection, as raining rain affects the beauty of the flowers.
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Which soil does the plant need?

In a nutrient-rich, humus-free and fresh-moist soil, the bell-winds find the perfect conditions. Its optimum achieves the claw winds in loamy-sandy, not too dry ground with good water extraction. For the substrate in the bucket we recommend a mix of potting soil, compost, horn shavings, sand and perlite.
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When is flowering time?

From June / July until the first frost the Cobaea scandens enchants us with nodding bells on 15-20 cm long stems. If they first appear in subtle green-and-white, the flower color changes over time into an intense violet, subtle yellow or elegant creamy white. A single flower survives only a few days. Brush out withered flowers in a timely manner, unfold the buds underneath to continue the flower spectacle.
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Cut the bell vine properly

Except for regular plastering of withered flowers, the bells winch receives no pruning. Should the rapid growth go beyond the intended scope, cut back on long tendrils without hesitation. If the pollen grows in the tub, cut the plant back in the autumn down to 50 cm and put it in the bright, frost-free winter quarters.
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Pour bell vine

The breathtaking flood of rich green leaves results in a high degree of evaporation, especially during warm summer days. Therefore, pour abundantly and regularly. Preferably check daily by a thumb sample, if the soil has dried to cover the high water needs in time. Avoid irrigating the tendrils, but pour the irrigation water directly onto the root disc.
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Fertilize bell vine properly

In contrast to the high need for casting, the nutrient balance is at a medium to low level. Fertilize a bellworm every 4 weeks from May to September with a phosphorous-enhanced preparation. Avoid the use of nitrogen-rich fertilizers, such as blue seed, as they specifically promote leaf growth, which is at the expense of flowering.
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Mother Nature actually intended a bells' winch to last for several years. In the local regions, however, the plan fails due to the frosty temperatures, as the tropical beauty is not winterized. You can use the following procedure to overwinter the climber, provided that it thrives in the bucket:

From the end of February you will get used to the plant gradually to warmer temperatures and sunlight. After the ice saint, your floral winter guest is allowed to go outside again.
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Multiply the bell vine

Increase the bells by sowing the seeds in February or March. In small pots put 2-3 seeds 0.5 cm into the lean substrate, moisten and place the vials at 18-22 degrees Celsius in a partially shaded location. Sprinkle the seedlings several times so that they branch abundantly and grow bushy.
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Bell vine in the pot

Choose a 30-40 cm high pot with a volume of at least 10 liters and integrated climbing aid. As a substrate, we recommend a mixture of potting soil, compost, Lauberde, horn shavings and sand. A drainage of potsherds above the water outlet is indispensable. Pour the bellworm in a timely manner as soon as the soil has dried. In pot culture, a liquid fertilizer with an extra high phosphorus content has proven itself for the uncomplicated nutrient supply. It is important to note that you consistently clean out withered flowers.
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Is bell-vine poisonous?

The bellworm is not poisonous. Thus, the majestic Ranker is ideal for cultivation in the family garden. This also applies to the ocular seed stains that develop in the fall. Collect it without hesitation and use it for another generation next year.
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