Worth knowing about the fruit of the ginkgo

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Ginkgo Nut Review - Weird Fruit Explorer Ep. 127
Video: Ginkgo Nut Review - Weird Fruit Explorer Ep. 127


The fruits smell very unpleasant

Worth knowing about the fruit of the ginkgo

Many ornamental plants are planted for their flowers, but trees like to be planted because of their fruits. The ginkgo neither comes into question, because it blooms late and its fruits are anything but fragrant.

Do all ginkgo trees bear fruit?

Not all ginkgo trees bear fruit, because there are male and female trees. The male ginkgo bears kitten-shaped flowers, the female on the other hand very small inconspicuous. After flowering, only the fertilized female flowers develop the mirabelle-like fruits. However, a sexually mature male Ginkgo tree in the vicinity is required for this, without this fertilization is not possible.

When does a ginkgo first bear fruit?

Before a ginkgo flowers for the first time a lot of time goes into the country.It will only become sexually mature at about 20 to 35 years. In a young ginkgo they will search in vain for flowers or fruits.

What are the fruits of the ginkgo tree?

In shape and color, the fruits of ginkgo are similar to mirabelle plums. They are roundish, about two to three inches long and one and a half to two and a half inches wide. Until maturing in autumn, the outer shell is greenish. Before the fruit falls from the tree, it turns yellow. The timing of this depends considerably on the prevailing temperature.

The maturity of a ginkgo fruit you recognize quite reliably by the smell. The seed coat contains fatty acids, which smell so similar to rancid butter when decomposed. Because of this rather unpleasant smell, male ginkgo trees are often planted. Without fertilization, you also have no fear of odor nuisance in the female ginkgo.

Are the fruits of the ginkgo tree edible?

Given the unpleasant odor, it is hard to believe that the fruits of the ginkgo tree are actually edible. Process or remove from the shell, however, the tasty kernels better outside your apartment. The smell is just bad to get rid of. Incidentally, this also applies to stains or splashes on clothing.

Be sure to wear gloves when collecting and unwinding, otherwise the scent of your hands will remind you of this work for a long time. Watering the fruits will also make it easier to remove the outer shell. The kernels can be roasted in the shell, but also solve the cracked shell and then use.

The most important thing about the ginkgo fruit:


If your ginkgo actually has ripe fruit, you can try to grow a new ginkgo tree out of the seeds.