How and when to winterize the greenhouse

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


In autumn, the greenhouse must be prepared for the winter

How and when to winterize the greenhouse

Even though many plants can be grown under glass all year round, winterizing the greenhouse is one of the routine tasks that needs to be done in the fall. Plants also have certain requirements in winter, especially in terms of air conditioning, ventilation and lighting conditions.

When there are only a few leaves left in the trees in the late autumn, the time has come for the greenhouse in the garden too a winter fixation came, Before the potted plants and all non-hardy plants find their quarters here for the winter, there is still a lot to do. As far as orderliness and cleanliness are concerned, we have already reported. If you want to keep your glass house operational and ready for winter over the winter, you have to take a little more time.

Check heating and ventilation for function

Even if no rearing of plants takes place during the cold season and only frost-hardy winter vegetables are cultivated, potted plants and many other exotics often do not tolerate minus temperatures. Also in the cold house should therefore be taken in case of cases, because not every winter is necessarily mild. temperatures below 2 ° C are already critical for many plantsso that a separate heater for the greenhouse is required for extreme minus degrees. Insulating insulation better, too, because it will help to reduce heating costs by up to 50 percent during the winter months. And even if the plants are in their natural resting phase over the next few weeks, the ventilation equipment, starting with the tilting windows and doors, down to fans or a possible blower, must work reliably.

When the days get shorter

To make your greenhouse winter-proof, must be helped in the coming months with artificial light. The plants need it for their growth process and to stimulate the flower. However, the different types of lights differ significantly in terms of their lighting needs, so the interior may need to be divided into different zones, each of which ideally equipped with the appropriate measuring devices becomes.

Most of the time in the following weeks, after the greenhouse has been winterized, there is less to do than usual. What you should do from now on:


Especially for an unheated greenhouse, it has proven to be a good choice for extremely strong night frosts with winter fleece or dimpled foil in order to quickly protect particularly sensitive plants against possible frostbite.