Geraniums overwinter even without a cellar

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Overwintering Geraniums: When and How to Pot Up
Video: Overwintering Geraniums: When and How to Pot Up


Geraniums can be wintered light or dark

Geraniums overwinter even without a cellar

The geraniums, often referred to as geraniums, are not hardy and hibernate best when cut back and bare in the basement at temperatures between five and ten degrees Celsius. You can bring the delicate balcony flowers but also without a cellar well through the winter. How this works is explained in the following article.

Geraniums overwinter dark or bright

For a dark hibernation geraniums must have no more leaves, otherwise the evaporation rate is too high and also there is a risk that pests and fungi settle on the weakened plant. In addition, the darker the winter quarters, the lower the room temperature should be. Conversely, this rule also applies. If you do not want the geraniums to remain in the basement, it is best to put them in a bright place at temperatures between 10 and 15 ° C. To do this, pack the stuffed geraniums in a clay pot with three or four, cover them with a mixture of sand and earth and keep them wet over the winter.


Should you opt for wintering in the cellar, then the root-bare geraniums can also be wrapped in newspaper.