Plant geraniums with other flowers - Suitable Species & Plant Ideas

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Plant geraniums with other flowers - Suitable Species & Plant Ideas - Garden
Plant geraniums with other flowers - Suitable Species & Plant Ideas - Garden


If geraniums are combined with other flowers, maintain sufficient distance between the plants

Plant geraniums with other flowers - Suitable Species & Plant Ideas

As soon as the ice saints pass on May 16 and no more cold spells are expected, it is high time to replant the balcony with fresh summer flowers. Pelargonium, commonly referred to as geraniums, offer both an impressive solo appearance and a planting partner for many other flowering plants.

Select suitable planting partners

There are many different summer flowers, depending on whether you prefer mixed colors or rather color coordinated. However, flowers can not be socialized according to your mood, but should be combined appropriately according to each other paser location and growth conditions.

Note location preferences

This primarily includes whether the selected plants have similar requirements in terms of location and care. Flowers that prefer more semi-shady to shady locations (such as begonias or fuchsias) will not be happy with sun-loving neighbors like geraniums. The same applies to the care: If they are placed in the same planter, the claims should complement each other in terms of moisture and fertilization. So high-consuming plants also belong to heavy eaters, otherwise you quickly have diseases and pests in the balcony box.

Well suited planting partner for geraniums

Geraniums harmonize very well with the following plant species:

Colorful or rather color-balanced?

Now it is important to live up to your aesthetic ideas. If you have found suitable planting partners, you should now sort them according to your preferences. You have several options: Do you want a brightly colored balcony in different colors or should it be more color-balanced, for example in pinks and whites, or violet and blue?

Plant balcony flowers

Once the above questions have been answered, you can start planting the flowers.

Selection of planters

First of all, it is important to choose pase- pots for the selected flowers. You have the choice between different styles, depending on which plants you prefer. To geraniums and other summer flowers fit very well plaited balcony boxes in white or other, to the flowers pasen colors. White geraniums, for example, are great in red flower boxes, red and pink also in green.

planting distance

But whichever planter you choose, always pay attention to the planting distance of each flower! Geraniums need about 30 to 40 centimeters distance to their neighbors, other species also more or less. Too tight a plant can lead to stunted growth and thus the loss of flowering.


Incidentally, geraniums can be combined not only with numerous summer flowers, but also with grasses.