Can you hibernate geraniums outdoors?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
Overwintering Geraniums: When and How to Pot Up
Video: Overwintering Geraniums: When and How to Pot Up


Geraniums are not frost hardy

Can you hibernate geraniums outdoors?

Geranium (or pelargonium, as the plants botanically correct) beautify many balconies in the summer. But where to go with the extremely temperature-sensitive plants as soon as frost threatens? We'll show you how you can hibernate your geraniums in a hole in the ground instead of throwing them away.

Geraniums do not tolerate frost

First of all, geraniums come from the always hot and dry desert regions of Southeast Africa and are therefore not hardy in our latitudes. It is also often said that the plants should not be exposed to temperatures below 10 ° C, but this is not true. On the contrary: geraniums should even overwinter at temperatures between five and a maximum of ten degrees, so they do not expel prematurely. Only colder it may not be, because frost is deadly for the sensitive plants.

Overwinter geraniums in the ground hole?

But what to do if there is no way to overwinter geraniums in the house? If you live in a region where it does not get colder than a few degrees below zero, you can bury your specimens in a hole in the ground over the winter. This should be at least 80 inches deep and padded with leaves, straw, etc. The geraniums are severely cut back before burial.


However, this type of wintering is not recommended, because it works only in really mild winters. You can also overwinter the geraniums in the basement, in the stairwell or similar.