Geraniums are perennial summer bloomers

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hardy Geranium: How to Get More Flowers & ReBlooming
Video: Hardy Geranium: How to Get More Flowers & ReBlooming


By removing withered flowers, the flowering time can be extended

Geraniums are perennial summer bloomers

Just like the cranesbill - a native perennial that actually bears the name "geranium" - the geranium, often falsely referred to as geranium, is a tireless summer flower. Although the name is not quite correct, the geranium should be referred to here as a geranium, after all, it is known under this name to most balcony gardeners.

Regularly clean geraniums for a long flowering period

Geraniums bloom very persistently and not only delight the balcony owners throughout the summer with ever new blossoms. But so that your plants can show their colorful splendor between May and October, you have to do a lot for it. This includes not only supplying the geraniums regularly with water and fertilizer, but also cutting off dead shoots immediately.

What to do if geraniums do not want to bloom?

Sometimes, however, geraniums do not want to flower, although they show good shoot growth and many leaves develop. In this case, you need to clear the plant and make sure that there is sufficient light and air inside - too dense leaf growth can cause the buds to not develop outwards due to lack of light.


The two-tone butterfly geraniums 'Pelargonium Crispum' as well as the noble geraniums 'Pelargonium Grandiflorum', cultivated mostly as indoor plants, are particularly beautiful.