Fresh from the own vegetable garden in the apartment

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
#28 Essential Tips for Starting a Balcony Vegetable Garden | Urban Gardening
Video: #28 Essential Tips for Starting a Balcony Vegetable Garden | Urban Gardening


Vegetables can be preferred on the windowsill or pulled completely

Fresh from the own vegetable garden in the apartment

Who says that you can only pull fresh vegetables in the garden? Instead of in beds, herbs, tomatoes or radishes can also be grown in pots - which do not necessarily have to be on the balcony. If no bees, etc. are necessary for fruiting, delicious vegetables can also be grown in the living room.

Suitable vegetables for the apartment

There are many types of vegetables and varieties that thrive and bear fruit in a home environment. After all, vegetables can also be successfully grown in the greenhouse. Only fruit trees can be cultivated in the living room hardly erntereif, since there are no bees and other insects for fertilization. In addition, straight Mediterranean citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges or mandarins and avocados under room conditions are difficult to maintain - the maintenance effort is immense, also feel such mini trees in the fresh air experience, according to experience.

However, especially one-year-old vegetables can be excellently cultivated on the windowsill:

Location and care for the home

If you want to successfully grow vegetables in the apartment, you should be aware of three things:

1. Vegetables need a lot of light to ripen the fruit. South windows are ideal.
2. The plants must be regularly watered and fertilized. Use organic vegetable fertilizer.
3. Regular airing is - as in the greenhouse - very important.

In addition, only a few vegetables can be pulled throughout the year in the apartment. In general, only between March and October yields can be achieved in the winter, most plants pause - with a few exceptions, such as many herbs, salads or radishes. But you can often harvest three or even four times in the growing season.


It is best to place the buckets with the vegetables right in front of a window or a glass door. If the summer turns out rather rainy and cold (and thus dark), an additional plant light makes sense.