Create a vegetable patch properly - that's how it works

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 11 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Create a vegetable patch properly - that's how it works - Garden
Create a vegetable patch properly - that's how it works - Garden


A vegetable patch should be planned sensibly

Create a vegetable patch properly - that's how it works

Fresh, organically grown vegetables grown on the farm are much more aromatic than products from the supermarket. However, radish and carrots should not just be sowed in the flowerbed, but give the delicious greenery their own place in the garden. With our easy-to-understand instructions, you can easily build, design and create a vegetable patch yourself.

The planning

In any case, it makes sense to note down the many ideas floating around in your head and to plan the bed thoroughly. A drawing is very helpful to determine the exact size and design of the later bed. Draw in these buildings, trees and existing beds.

Vegetables require a lot of water, so there should be a water connection or irrigation well nearby.

Give all the beds the same size. This greatly facilitates the later planting, in which you must observe crop rotation and mixed culture. In addition, you always reap the same amount of vegetables, tailored to your individual consumption.

A small garden house for the necessary equipment and the greenhouse you place in the edge area. Also plan a not too small composting place, because in the vegetable garden a lot of green waste falls.

The right location

Give the bed the right place in the garden, you can expect particularly high yields. Ideal is a sunny to partially shaded location, which is illuminated for at least six hours by the sun. It should not be too windy, because the ground dries out too much due to the steady draft. However, the air should also not be above the vegetable patch, because the fungal infection favor.

The floor

Most vegetables thrive very well in a rich, well drained garden soil. Therefore, the substrate must be prepared accordingly before cultivation. If necessary, loosen the topsoil with sand and / or enrich with mature compost.

Create the bed properly

In autumn, but by the end of March at the latest, you should implement your ideas and create the bed so that the floor can settle for a few more weeks. Do this systematically, which saves a lot of time and effort can be minimized.

Based on our instructions, build a practical bed border made of wood or another material such as stone. This prevents the lawn from unintentionally growing back into the bed.

Build a bedding border out of formwork boards

Shuttering boards are ideal for confining a vegetable patch. This is very easy and works even inexperienced home improvement games:

So that the wood does not weather, a protective coat is recommended.

Vegetable bed of concrete blocks

This type of bed border is particularly weather resistant and durable. Concrete hollow stones you get for little money in any hardware store. You can either put them in a mortar bed in the ground or make a stable raised bed with the elements.


Experts recommend that only potatoes be planted in the new vegetable patch in the first year. These loosen up the soil and thus improve the soil. Between the potatoes you can mulch the soil so that germinating weeds are effectively suppressed.