What to do if the money tree loses its leaves?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What’s wrong with my MONEY TREE?! | 010
Video: What’s wrong with my MONEY TREE?! | 010


If the money tree loses leaves, relocating can help

What to do if the money tree loses its leaves?

The money tree is one of the houseplants that forgive small care mistakes, but in serious deficiencies ailing and throw off their leaves and sometimes the branches. When the penny tree loses its leaves, various causes are conceivable. How to prevent the leaves from falling off?

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Causes of falling leaves of the money tree

If the money tree loses leaves, there are several possible causes:

In most cases it is a care mistake or too dark or warm in winter. But even pests can make the money tree.

Do not keep money tree too moist

Waterlogging does not tolerate waterlogging! Never pour the plant penetratingly or too often. It is sufficient if the root ball is moderately moist inside.

Falling leaves often indicate that the soil is simply too humid. Take the money tree out of the pot, shake off the old plant substrate and peat it in fresh soil.

To prevent waterlogging, you should create a drainage of gravel in the bottom of the pot.

The right location for the money tree

The money tree likes it warm and bright in summer. Temperatures between 20 and 27 degrees are ideal in summer. Pfennig trees also tolerate direct sun very well. Only right after repotting should you put it a bit more shady.

Even in winter, the penny tree prefers a very bright environment. If the winter location is too dark, brighten it with plant lamps. However, the temperatures must be lowered significantly during this time. The ideal ambient temperature during the winter time is about eleven degrees. If the plant is warmer, it discards its leaves.

Pests that cause leaf thrown

Shield lice, mealybugs and mealybugs, especially occasionally during winter. An infestation by these pests can be recognized by yellow, sticky deposits on the leaves. Particularly endangered by pest infestation are money trees that are already weakened because they are too moist or too heavily fertilized.

Fight lice on the money tree with plant sticks that are planted in the ground. They emit substances that penetrate the leaves of the money tree and destroy the pests living on it. The remains of the pests and the sticky residues can be carefully rubbed off the leaves with a brush or cotton swab. If necessary, use the shower head to briefly shower the plant.

Since most plant stalks act as fertilizer at the same time, you must not fertilize the money tree additionally.


In summer, the money tree likes to go to the summer resort. Put the pot in a sunny place. Bring it back to the house in time before it gets too cold outside, as the plant can not stand temperatures below five degrees.