Money tree over Steckling multiply - how it works!

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Propagating money tree from cuttings with actual results
Video: Propagating money tree from cuttings with actual results


The money tree cuttings can be rooted in the water

Money tree over Steckling multiply - how it works!

The propagation of a money tree is very simple. All you need is a plant cut. Even from a single leaf or leaf parts can be a new money tree breed. To multiply money trees from cuttings.

Pull money tree out of a cuttings

In the spring, cut a head cuttings of about ten to twelve centimeters in length for propagation. Remove the bottom leaves and place in prepared pots with plant substrate.

Put the pot in a very bright, warm place. However, direct sunlight should be avoided. Keep the soil moist but not too wet.

Within a few weeks, new roots are forming. Maintain the cuttings like an adult plant. Once roots have shown, you may also place the money tree directly in the sun.

Put the cutting into the water glass

You can also put the cutting after cutting in a water glass. This has the advantage that you can see if roots have developed.

Once the roots are two to three inches long, plant the cuttings in a prepared pot.

The disadvantage of this method is that the roots are very sensitive and break quickly due to the pressure of the substrate. You must be very careful when planting.

Money trees can also be multiplied from leaves

You can also pull a new money tree from leaf cuttings. All you need is a leaf that you can even cut.

Fill a pot with substrate. Lay the sheet or pieces of leaves on the ground and lightly press them.

Keep the surface slightly damp and place the leaf cuttings in a warm, very bright place away from direct sunlight. In this way, new roots develop within a few weeks. The leaf cuttings are repotted as soon as the new plant has formed at least three leaf pairs.


The care of a money tree is considered moderate, he forgives minor care mistakes but quite. It is important that you do not pour it too often and that you are sparing with fertilizer.