The right earth for the money tree

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
If You Ever See This Tree, Run Fast And Yell For Help!
Video: If You Ever See This Tree, Run Fast And Yell For Help!


In normal potting soil, the money tree does not feel well

The right earth for the money tree

Money trees, also called penny-trees, are succulents, which tolerate neither nutrient-rich nor strongly water-storing earth. The substrate must be permeable to water so that the money tree is never too damp. This is how you create the ideal substrate for the money tree itself.

This is the ideal earth for money trees

As a basis for the plant substrate for the care of the money tree Kakteenerde has proven itself from the garden center market. It is well permeable to water, does not store too much moisture and contains few nutrients.

So that the soil is permeable even after a long time, you add mineral substances to the substrate. Suitable for this purpose

The mixing ratio should consist of 60 percent cactus clay and 40 percent mineral matter.


Always pull a money tree in a pot with a drain hole from which excess irrigation water can drain. If water has collected in the coaster, you should drain it after 15 minutes at the latest.