What do you have to do to make your money tree blossom?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Money Tree (Pachira Aquatica) Care
Video: Money Tree (Pachira Aquatica) Care


The money tree usually blooms only outdoors

What do you have to do to make your money tree blossom?

In the room culture, the money tree rarely flowers. He needs special conditions, so that he can even start flowers. For example, young plants do not bloom at all. What can you do to help your money tree develop flowers?

When is the heyday of money trees?

The heyday of a money tree begins in late winter or spring.

The tree forms flowers, which are usually white or pink and show the shape of a star. They grow up to 15 millimeters in size.

What conditions must be met for a flower?

A young money tree is not blossoming yet. Only when the plant is several years old and has reached a height of over 40 centimeters does it start inflorescence.

Bring it outside in the summer

The most important requirement for a money tree to flower is the different temperatures in summer and winter. Only this will stimulate the flowering joy of the penny-tree.

A great way to make a money tree blossom is to put it outside for the summer, for example, in a warm sunny spot on the balcony or patio. This automatically achieves the necessary changes in temperature.

Once it gets too cool outside, the money tree must be brought back into the house, because he is not hardy. He does not tolerate temperatures below five degrees.

Cool location in winter

You can not maintain a money tree in the flower window all year round because it is just too warm in winter. Put it in a place where it is very bright but cool enough.

The ideal winter temperatures are around 11 degrees. The money tree must also be kept fairly dry at this time.

Many gardeners swear to keep a tree in winter as cool and dry as possible. The often held view that money trees belong to the short-day plants and therefore must be set dark, is wrong, on the other hand. If you keep a tree too dark, the shoots go crazy. Flower formation is not stimulated by this.


You should not cut an older money tree, if at all, until the flowering time is over. Otherwise, you may accidentally remove the inflorescences.