Freeze yellow beans - there are these possibilities

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Gumball | Darwin’s Potato Diet | The Potato | Cartoon Network
Video: Gumball | Darwin’s Potato Diet | The Potato | Cartoon Network


Yellow beans like to be frozen blanched

Freeze yellow beans - there are these possibilities

Yellow beans are a popular salad ingredient. Their taste is fine and delicate, the kernels larger and stronger than other varieties. Fresh from the garden, the excess harvest may migrate into the freezer.

Clean yellow beans

The freshly harvested yellow bean pods are refrigerated a few days. However, if they are intended for freezing, you should try to get into the freezer the same day if possible. Freezing requires a lot of preliminary work:

Raw, blanched or cooked?

Yellow beans can be frozen raw or blanched or cooked. All three methods have their advantages. It is true that raw beans are toxic through the ingredient phasin and only the cooking makes this substance harmless. But when the beans are boiled before consumption, this is irrelevant.

Freeze yellow beans raw

Freezing beans raw saves time, because the elaborate blanching is eliminated. The cleaned and cut beans are packaged in freezer containers and come directly into the freezer. This method has disadvantages, but not everyone is annoyed:

Blanch beans first

Blanching saves the color and firmness of the bean pods. When large quantities have to be frozen, this is a time-consuming job. It can always be worked only in portions, because too much amount of boiling water cools strongly and thus the process of "rapid" blanching is disturbed.

The beans are first boiled for about three minutes in salted water, then brought out with a ladle and placed in a bowl of cold water to quench.

Cold and well drained beans are packed in freezers or sachets in portions and deep-frozen.

Cook beans ready for consumption

If beans are cold in a salad after thawing, you can go one step further in preparation. Instead of just blanching them, you can cook them a few minutes longer until they are edible. The cooking time depends on the thickness of the bean pods. Most is expected to be about 8 to 10 minutes.


Try between through a bean piece, so you are sure to catch the right Garpunkt.

Durability and reuse

Yellow beans are stable for about nine months. This requires that they be stored consistently at minus 18 degrees Celsius.

In hot meals, beans can be given in a frozen state. How much longer they have to cook depends on whether they were frozen raw, blanched or ready cooked.

Only cooked beans can be used for salads. If the frozen beans have not finished cooking before freezing, they must be cooked after thawing. Only then can they enrich the salad.