An ornamental pond for the small garden

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
30 Breathtaking Backyard Pond Ideas | garden ideas
Video: 30 Breathtaking Backyard Pond Ideas | garden ideas


For the small garden are best pond shells

An ornamental pond for the small garden

Especially in the case of a miniature pond in a small garden, the shape and size of the plant must match to achieve the most appropriate biological balance possible. Little construction effort requires prefabricated pools that can be easily integrated into existing garden landscapes.

Whether lovingly assembled or bought as a finished pool, even the garden pond in the small garden has its charm and sets design accents. In principle, any location that is a bit shady and a bit far from deciduous trees is suitable for the new mini pond. Regarding the size of the site, consideration must also be given to the later accessibility of the bank area, so that the excavation should not be too close to the residential building or part of the property enclosure.

Designs for small garden ponds

Who wants to do without major excavation, can easily use a car tire for his garden pond in the small garden, which is knocked out with pond liner inside. With the use of prefabricated pond pools, which are available in the building materials trade, work can also be done quickly. The plastic basins can be used underground, but also mounted on the ground or as a raised bed and offer due to their many forms enough design freedom for their own creative ideas.

Raise the ground and take in the pool

When using a prefabricated pool, at least a supplement of 15 to 20 cm must be planned laterally for the circumference of the excavation pit. After excavation, the bottom of the pond is best filled with a layer of sand and compacted as precisely as possible. After the basin has been set up and leveled with the spirit level, sand is added to all interspaces, which ensures the safe and stable hold of the later filled water tank.

Water march, then it goes to planting

Even in the smallest space can be set up after the example of Japanese miniature gardens, a fantastic water landscape. After your small garden pond has received the first water filling, it can continue with the planting. Particularly suitable are small-sized Schwimmblattpflanzen such as:


When inserting, always pay attention to the planting distances and depths of the plants, which should not be too close to each other. The space requirement of most aquatic plants can increase after a few months many times their original size.