How to Plant Garden Herbs - Tips for Selection and Plant Technique

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 3 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Planting herbs in the raised bed does not just look visually beautiful

How to Plant Garden Herbs - Tips for Selection and Plant Technique

Spring awakens the desire for fresh herbs from the garden. Now is the ideal planting season for aromatic basil, lavender, spicy thyme and other palate ticklers. However, not all types of herbs fit together. This guide explains how to skillfully plant garden herbs.

Which herbs fit together? - The Dream teams in the herbal kingdom

For all light and soil conditions, there are suitable types of herbs that gather to fragrant aroma seeds. In the right combination, the plants promote each other for a harvest in premium quality. The following overview gives you proven dream teams from the kingdom of garden herbs:

On floral war foot are primarily thyme and marjoram. Good neighborhood is a foreign word for wormwood, because this herb plant should be located away from other garden herbs. In contrast, lemon balm is considered the pacifist in the herbal kingdom, because it can be safely integrated into any planting plan. Sprawling garden herbs tend to overgrow their neighbors. A solitaire position is therefore useful for lovage, laurel and hyssop.

Which location is suitable for garden herbs?

For all light and soil conditions in the garden are adequate herbs to choose from. In the sun-drenched rock garden with lean earth, oregano, rosemary, sage, marjoram and lavender thrive in all their glory. Semi-shady, nutrient-rich layers are ideal for tarragon, parsley, chives, fennel and dill. If you create a forest garden, here is the refuge of wild garlic and woodruff.

What to look for in the planting?

The growth of your garden herbs is from the beginning under a good star, if you wait before planting the last soil frosts. From early to mid-May, prepare the soil thoroughly by raking and raking and sifting a bit of sieved compost with sand. How to plant herbs in the garden bed:

Press the earth with your hands and then pour. In the subsequent period, you can adjust the water supply to the weather. Mediterranean herbs are usually satisfied with the normal rainfall. Thirsty species with large leaf volumes rely on regular watering on warm spring and summer days.


If you start a cottage garden, the center with the crossroads is the ideal location for a herbal spiral. Specifically, it is a stone spiral with different zones. At the top is the Mediterranean zone for sun-loving herbs. The normal zone is home to herbs for partial shade. In the damp zone, herbs cavort with a preference for fresh, humus soil. At the lower end, the water zone is home to thirsty herbs.