How is the summerhouse winterized?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to Winterize a Summer Home
Video: How to Winterize a Summer Home


Who wants to use his garden house in the winter, should pay attention to good insulation

How is the summerhouse winterized?

Who plans to build an arbor, should also think in advance about how the house should be used in the future. Would you like to overwinter flowers, for example, use it as a second living room during the cold season or use the gained space for your hobby? Depending on the application, a different construction is advisable.

The wall thickness

If you are planning a simple shed, a wall thickness of about two centimeters is sufficient. But even if you occasionally celebrate in the summer months in the house or want to stay in it, we recommend slightly stronger walls of at least four centimeters. On hot summer days you can take advantage of the insulating properties of the wood, because it stays comfortably warm in the house.

Maybe your garden house is on a recreational property and you would like to stay there on a regular basis? Even if the arbor is used year-round as a hobby or fitness room, the wall thickness should not be less than seven centimeters. Integrated heating gives you almost the same level of comfort as in your normal home.

Additional insulation

With optional insulation, you can also winterize the garden shed:

Good care ensures weather resistance

To make the garden house winter-proof, you must take care of it right from the start.

Winterize the uninhabited house

If you use the summer house only during the summer months, you must winterize it in the fall:


From time to time, check the winter months and clear the roof of heavy snow loads. So you can prevent uninvited visitors from setting up their home in your bower.