How to make a garden corner with a seat - Tips for a cozy sitting area

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 3 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Cozy Corner Seating Ideas | Charming Corner for Decoration in backyard small | garden ideas
Video: Cozy Corner Seating Ideas | Charming Corner for Decoration in backyard small | garden ideas


A tiled sitting area costs more, but lasts longer

How to make a garden corner with a seat - Tips for a cozy sitting area

An idyllic garden corner is predestined for a cozy seat as a green retreat. It is important to reconcile the requirements of functionality and aesthetics so that a cozy sitting area is created. These tips bring all the relevant criteria to the point.

Choose location wisely - you should pay attention

The lighting conditions play a key role in choosing the right location. As a rule of thumb: Shadow can be generated later, but not sunlight. We therefore recommend sunny to partially shaded locations for your seat in the countryside. On the other hand, if the house already has a sun terrace to the south, a shady garden niche under the trees offers a retreat for hot summer days.

Ideally, build a small arbor or pavilion in a sunny corner of the garden. Here you can relax in comfort when the summer sun gets too hot or rain falls from the sky.

Stylishly create flooring - tips for every budget

The seat in a garden corner is usually used as a picturesque addition to the main seat on the terrace. Here are the limits of the design possibilities firmly outlined, because the building style sets the direction for the type of flooring. On the other hand, there are many options when you create a sitting area in the middle of the garden.For every purse, there are just as stylish as easy-care solutions:

The choice of flooring significantly influences the visual effect of a seating area in the garden. Stone surfaces form the garden corner to an island, which serves as an architectural structural element. Choose an organic covering, such as bark mulch or lawn, embed the seat harmoniously into the natural appearance.

Not without wind and visual protection - gusts of wind and onlookers bye

With a wind and privacy screen your seating area becomes a haven of security. As a gardener with a little craftsmanship you can draw on the design of a multi-faceted fund of ideas. The following selection may serve your inspiration:

If you create a seat in the cottage garden, the fence fence becomes an authentic setting. Picturesque Zaungucker, like sunflowers or dahlias, keep out wind and prying eyes. A rose-covered arch as rain and sun protection completes the romantic design.


If you dispense with a combustible frame plantation of woody plants, you can create a garden corner as a seat with a fire pit. The wide range of creative options ranges from a simple fire basket solution to an ornate campfire.