Should I enclose my garden bed?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make Hoops for Raised Beds (4 Ways)
Video: How to Make Hoops for Raised Beds (4 Ways)


A bedding enclosure does not have to be expensive

Should I enclose my garden bed?

Already at the first design of a garden, the question arises whether the beds are to be framed or not. Maybe this topic will appear later. However, the decision is very individual and depends on your personal taste.

What are the advantages of a bed enclosure?

With a bedding border you create not only an optical demarcation and a certain order in your garden. They also limit the growth of roots from one area to another. You can also use the border as a decorative design element and, for example, plant a hedge.

The advantages of a bed enclosure:

What can I use to enclose my garden bed?

For the design of their bed surrounds you can use a variety of materials, such as wood, metal, plastic or stone. Classical is also a border with boxwood, a little more unusual, however, the planting of herbs to separate beds from each other.

Whether you want to use evergreen plants or old bricks, let your imagination play. There are countless decorative variants. However, if your enclosure is to fulfill a specific purpose, then not every material may be suitable.

Which beds are particularly cost-effective?

Relatively cheap are plastic bed frames, which you will find in the hardware store. But they are not very durable. Also cheap are home-grown herbs that you can also use in the kitchen, or old bricks that get a second life. Relatively expensive to produce is a small wicker fence, but fits wonderfully into a natural garden.

Which bed frames are particularly durable?

Of course, stone surrounds are particularly durable, regardless of whether you want to use paving stones or field stones. Also, granite is well suited, who also significantly more expensive than old brick. If you are looking for durable wood, then weather-resistant varieties such as robinia, larch or Douglas fir are recommended.


Make sure that your flower bed surrounds the rest of your garden to make the overall picture look harmonious.