Creating a new garden - tips for the way to the dream garden

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 2 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Top Tips For Designing Your Dream Garden
Video: Top Tips For Designing Your Dream Garden


Good planning is the foundation for a beautiful garden

Creating a new garden - tips for the way to the dream garden

The new house is considerably diminished in its magnificent appearance when it is surrounded by a wasteland of mud and weeds. You can not expect a perfect dream garden within one season. These tips show you the way to a thriving paradise with a representative immediate effect.

Defining basic structures - that's the first year to do

Make a floor plan sketch. Here permanent structures are defined, such as the course of the enclosure, paths, beds and seats. With gravel and stones as pathway fixing and decking you can bridge the time until the money for expensive pavement made of natural stones is available. The following works will give your new garden shape and form:

In spring or autumn you sow grass seeds. Include those areas that will be planted in later years. So you give your new garden during the transition phase a well-groomed appearance.

Bloom from the beginning - that's how it works

The most beautiful trees, shrubs and perennials take several years to complete their splendor. Annual flowers and fast-growing perennials bridge the waiting period with colorful blossoms. The following types and varieties fulfill their task as gap fillers with flying colors:

Ornamental grasses are a good choice for floral fullness in appearance. Fast growing, undemanding in care and fully hardy, they thrive in any normal, fresh garden soil. Premium grasses for the new garden are diamond grass and feather grass. Majestic grasses with privacy feature are beautiful Miscanthus varieties, such as Zebra-miscanthus or Silberturm-Chinaschilf.

Vegetable garden for beginners - tips for the first cultivation

The back of the property is reserved for a small vegetable garden. Already 25 square meters per person are sufficient for a partial self-supply from own harvest. In the autumn of the first year, you dig up the garden floor, removing roots, stones and weeds. Then you use 5 liters of compost and 300 grams of horn shavings per square meter.

In the spring you grow typical vegetables for beginners. These include radishes, carrots, salads, spinach and peas. With undemanding runner beans, you will be impressed without having to mess around with complicated cultivation techniques. Strawberries in the summer and pumpkin in the fall provide fruity snacks.


If your new garden with shrubs, perennials and flowers takes concrete shape, it is time for a beautification. Combine the Sunday walk with a visit to antique and flea markets. There are wonderful accessories to discover that can be converted into unorthodox plant pots. From wooden wine crates to antique washing tubs to grandfather's wheelbarrow, the diverse selection extends.