Are there different types of daisies?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
30 Different Types of Daisy’s
Video: 30 Different Types of Daisy’s


The stuffed Bellis perennis is one of the daisy species

Are there different types of daisies?

Daisies do not just grow on meadows and lawns. They are also available as colorful varieties for bed and balcony. Among other things, the stuffed Bellis are very decorative, which you can buy in the pot or as a seed.

Previous article How to plant daisies - the most important tips

The different varieties

Bellis perennis, as the Latin name of the daisy, comes in almost all shades between white and bright red, filled and unfilled. The blue-flowering Australian daisy is botanically not a daisy, but quite decorative. It is one year old and unfortunately not hardy.

The variety Habanera delights with particularly large two-colored flowers. These flowers are filled and reach a diameter of up to 6 cm. About half the size of the red-filled flowers of the variety Pomponette. Also red and filled are the flowers of Rob Roy and Floro pleno. They look particularly good in combination with white varieties.

The most beautiful daisies:

The benefit of daisies

Daisies taste good and have a healing effect. They are used, for example, as a spring diet, either as a single tea or in a tea blend. After a six-week treatment, a break of at least two weeks is advised. This prevents both habituation and possible long-term effects.

With daisy tea you can relieve colds or gastrointestinal problems. Envelopes with tea, tincture or fresh juice clarify impure skin, relieve rashes and help stubborn wounds heal better. They are also used for rheumatic complaints, joint pain and blunt injuries.

The leaves of the daisy taste slightly nutty. Refine soups and salads. The flowers can be used as an edible decoration or processed into flower butter. Freeze the flowers in ice cube trays and you will get very decorative ice cubes that will make you shine at your next party. Daisy jelly or a herbal vinegar with daisies are perfect as a small gift.

Tips & Tricks

If you want to use daisies for healing purposes or in the kitchen, then it is best to use the ordinary daisy, not one of the very decorative varieties.