The care of Frangipani (Plumeria) is not easy

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 18 April 2024
Plumeria dos and don’ts
Video: Plumeria dos and don’ts


The frangipani is very delicate

The care of Frangipani (Plumeria) is not easy

Frangipani or Plumeria is a houseplant whose care requires some expertise. Even minor care mistakes cause the plant to become ill, develop no flowers or even enter. Tips for taking care of Frangipani.

Next article Which fertilizer is suitable for Frangipani?

What should be considered when casting?

In summer, frangipani needs plenty of water without waterlogging. Pour regularly and pour off water from the coaster or planter immediately.

In winter, watering is significantly reduced or completely stopped.

Do not pour water directly on the leaves, but always water Plumeria on the stem.

Why should you fertilize Frangipani carefully?

Over-fertilization of Plumeria makes the plant lazy. It hardly develops flowers then. Fertilization is from March until the onset of flowering. After that, stop all fertilizing. Use nitrogen-rich fertilizer while the plant is still young. Older plants provide you with phosphate-stressed fertilizer.

When is repotting necessary?

Do not repot a frangipani too often. Younger specimens only need a new pot every three years, older ones are even repotted after five years. Too frequent repot stress the Plumeria too strong.

When repotting the root ball is cut by a quarter to stimulate the growth of the plant.

Are you allowed to cut frangipani?

Cutting is not necessary. But in the spring you can cut shoot tips directly over one eye, so that the frangipani branches better.

If you want to breed offshoots, cut cuttings in the spring for propagation.

Which diseases can occur?

Illnesses are almost always due to care mistakes or a wrong location.

Many fungal diseases occur because the substrate is permanently too moist.

Which pests do you need to pay attention to?

Spider mites and thrips are the most troublesome to the frangipani as they feed on the tribe. Infestation should therefore be tackled immediately.

Why does the frangipani lose its leaves?

That the frangipani loses all or almost all leaves in autumn is a natural process. He indicates that the Plumeria breaks. If this break, which lasts four to six months, is not granted to her, only a few flowers develop.

Why are the buds falling off?

If the buds fall unopened, the plant is too dark or too cool. She also does not like it when she is changed frequently.

In a convenient location, it is as sunny as possible. Temperatures do not drop below 15 degrees at night.

How is the Frangipani properly wintered?

During the break, put the frangipani on a bright spot in the cool conservatory, entrance hall or greenhouse.

During the winter time, the frangipani is not or only very slightly poured and not fertilized.


The Frangipani is also called a temple tree. The poisonous ornamental plant needs a very bright, sunny as possible location. The substrate must be permeable to water and rich in nutrients.