Plant diligent Lieschen on the balcony

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 13 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Plant diligent Lieschen on the balcony - Garden
Plant diligent Lieschen on the balcony - Garden


The diligent Lieschen is an asset to any balcony

Plant diligent Lieschen on the balcony

The hardworking Lizzie (Impatiens walleriana), native to Africa and now cultivated in Europe for most of the year, flowers enduringly from May to autumn. This makes the so-called balsam with its abundance of different varieties and flower colors to an optimal plant for a balcony.

The location needs of hard-working Lieschens

The industrious Lieschen copes well with brightness, but tolerates the summer noonday heat in direct sunlight only badly. Conversely, the hard-working Lieschen flourishes very reliably even in partially shaded to shady locations. The plant has a high water requirement and should never completely dry out in the root area. However, the hard-working Lieschen does not like waterlogging, which is why a drainage layer should be created in the planters. Ordinary potting soil is well suited as a plant substrate, in the propagation from cuttings in the first few weeks also a simple water glass enough.

Plant the diligent Lieschen on the balcony

Since the industrious Lieschen is extremely sensitive to frost and cold, it should be planted after the Eisheiligen at average temperatures from 10 degrees Celsius on the balcony. As the diligent Lieschen is, it can also be planted on balconies, which have access to children and pets. Balconies that are not directly oriented to the south and on which the plants are somewhat protected from wind and rain by a canopy or side walls are ideal as a location. During the flowering season in summer, the highly water-demanding plants should be watered daily as possible and fertilized about every two weeks with some liquid fertilizer.

Suitable neighbors for the diligent Lieschen on the balcony

The pretty flowers of Hardy Lieschen on the balcony are particularly appealing when they are set in contrast to other balcony plants. Due to the location requirements, the following plant species are particularly well suited for a combination with the diligent Lieschen in the balcony box:

In addition, there are within the genus Impatiens various types of Hardy Lieschens with quite varied flower colors and shapes. Note that the full-flowering varieties of Hardy Lieschen can often multiply appropriate only by cuttings.


While some balcony plants thrive only in tall plant pots, other laws apply to the hard-working Lieschen. As a rule, this blooms particularly abundantly when the roots are stuck in a rather narrow plant pot.