You do not have to feed carnivorous plants!

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What To Feed Your Nepenthes Carnivorous Plants + Live Feeding
Video: What To Feed Your Nepenthes Carnivorous Plants + Live Feeding


Meat-eating plants do not need to be fed

You do not have to feed carnivorous plants!

Carnivorous plants (carnivores) are scary to some plant lovers. Some people are afraid of breeding because they fear that they will not find enough food for the plants. This concern is unfounded because carnivorous plants need not and should not be fed.

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Why do some plants eat insects?

Nearly all carnivorous plants grow in locations where there are few nutrients in the soil. However, to provide them with sufficient food, they are equipped with traps of various kinds in which they catch and digest insects.

Meat-eating plants in the house you do not have to feed

If you pull carnivorous plants in the house, they provide themselves with insects. In every household there is sufficient supply of prey.

In addition, the plant substrates of the carnivores contain sufficient nutrients, usually far too many. They are quite sufficient to supply the plants, even if in the winter almost no insects fly around.

Feed your carnivorous plants additionally with insects, there is a nutrient over supply, which does not get the plants. In the worst case, they even go.

Feeding carnivores - but right!

The breeding of carnivorous plants is not that fascinating. For illustrative purposes, one or the other plant friend would like to feed the carnivores at least once in a while.

When feeding, you can do many things wrong. It is important that you never give too many insects at once. The size of the prey also plays a role.

How to feed properly!

Even if it is tempting to put dead flies, mosquitoes or ants in the traps - for your plant's sake you should better leave that alone. The safety gears only start to work properly when the insect in the trap is still moving. Only then will the digestive secretions be released.

The bigger the traps, the bigger the insects that feed you. A large jug of the pitcher plant can also cope with a wasp. Such a prey is much too large for the Venus Flytrap's trappers. Here the insect should not be larger than a third of the trap.

Animal foods such as meat, milk or cheese do not belong in the traps at all. They can not be digested and make the traps lazy. You should also refrain from touching the safety gear with your fingers.

Venus fly traps open only seven times

When feeding Venus fly traps, you must be extra careful. The folding traps can open at most seven times. Then they die. Feed too often or too much at once, the traps start earlier.


The safety gears of the various carnivores differ considerably. Venus fly traps capture insects with pop-up traps, while pitcher plants form deep, can-like traps. Sundew and butterwort catch insects with their leaves.