Is Ficus benjamina toxic to cats?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Are Ficus Trees Poisonous To Cats
Video: Are Ficus Trees Poisonous To Cats


Nibbling on Ficus Benjamini can have serious consequences for cats

Is Ficus benjamina toxic to cats?

The birch fig is often found in homes and offices as a houseplant, thanks to its evergreen leaf dress and an undemanding care. With regard to the abundant flowering sap, cat owners rightly doubt the safety. Read how a Benjamini is poisonous for your tiger tiger.

Highly toxic to cats and other pets

The white sap of a birch fig contains various toxins, such as furocoumarin, flavonoids, resin or rubber. In this combination, even small amounts are enough to inflict considerable discomfort on your velvet-hungry roommate:

If the cat consumes several leaves of a Benjamini, paralysis can occur up to circulatory collapse. These sequelae also occur in dogs, rabbits, hamsters and guinea pigs. While the latex of a Ficus benjamina is non-toxic to birds in tropical habitats, it does not apply to domesticated budgerigars and other species. Fly around freely in the apartment should no birch fig are used as a landing place.

If suspected immediately to the vet

If you have noticed that your cat has eaten from the leaves, please consult a veterinarian immediately. At the latest when the mentioned symptoms occur, the visit to the veterinarian can be life-saving for your pet. If possible, take a sample of the ficus leaves with you. The more specific the doctor can diagnose the poisoning, the more effective the treatment.


For small children, the birch fig is considered slightly toxic. If the toxins enter the stomach in large quantities, they cause nausea and vomiting. Given the bitter taste of the little ones spit a leaf mostly disgusted again. For the sake of caution, a Benjamini should nevertheless be placed out of the reach of babies and toddlers.