Beanbeans seeding in the garden and on the balcony

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Don’t Plant Beans Or Peas In Your Garden Before Watching This!
Video: Don’t Plant Beans Or Peas In Your Garden Before Watching This!


Beanbeans seeding in the garden and on the balcony

From June to December we are enchanted by the fire beans with their red, red-white and yellowish inflorescences. The up to 25 cm long pods taste particularly good when they are harvested as young beans. The sowing of the Feuerbohnen occurs from the middle of May, although at night no more frost is to be expected.

Prefer firebeans in the house

From April you can prefer firebeans in the house. You need small flower pots or yoghurt pots with soil into which you insert the bean seeds two to three centimeters deep. For faster germination, you can swell the seeds in water overnight.

On the warm sill, the seeds germinate within one to two weeks. The fire bean is sensitive to moisture, so the potting pot is kept slightly moist. The young beans can be planted outdoors from mid-May.

Sow beans directly into the bed

From mid-May you can also sow firebeans directly into the bed:

Sow firebones in a container for the balcony

If you want to grow fire beans on the balcony, you need a vessel with at least 45 cm diameter. The vessel is filled with simple garden soil, which you enrich with horn shavings or compost. About five to six seeds are placed two to three inches deep in the soil and covered with substrate.

Tips & Tricks

Runner beans are particularly suitable for the beranke of Weidentipis. They develop a dense foliage and decorate at the same time with their decorative flowers. But beware: beans are poisonous and therefore not a snack for children.