To plant fat hen in the garden or in the pot

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Putting this fat hen out of her misery
Video: Putting this fat hen out of her misery


The stonecrop can be planted both in the garden and in a pot

To plant fat hen in the garden or in the pot

The stonecrop - usually referred to as Sedum or Fetthenne - is one of the world's common thick-leaf plants. The succulent plant is available in numerous species and varieties, differing not only in their appearance, but also in part in their winter hardiness and location preferences.

Early article Fetthenne prefers sunny location Next article Cut and rejuvenate fat hen

Which location prefers the stonecrop?

Basically, all Fetthennen like a sunny location and a loose, rather moderately nutrient-rich to nutrient-poor and well-drained soil. But whether the latter should be dry or rather moist depends on the type of Sedum to be planted. Many stonecrops also thrive in partially shaded or clear locations.

Can the fat hen also be cultivated in planters?

If the site conditions and the substrate meet the needs of the plant, the stonecrop can also be cultivated very well in planters and even as a houseplant. It's best to use cactus soil or a mixture of commercially available potting soil, sand or gravel and lava granules.

When is the best planting season for grease hens?

Although container goods can basically be planted throughout the growing season, the best time for planting fats hens is spring.

In which planting distance are fat hens set?

The ideal planting distance depends on the type of fat hens. The higher this gets, the greater the distance between the individual plants should be kept.

How can you increase fat hens?

Fat hens are best multiplied by division, by cuttings, offshoots or by sowing.

When do fat hens bloom?

The actual flowering times are, depending on the type and variety, quite different. Some Fetthennen bloom pretty early between June and July, others, however, only late, but until the fall into it.


For the mixed bedding, choose plant species that are well-suited to fat hens because of their location and care needs. These include, for example, the Alpine edelweiss and other rock garden and gravel garden plants.