Plant a rock pear in your own garden

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 12 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The rock pear is best planted in spring or autumn

Plant a rock pear in your own garden

Since the edible fruits of the rock pear have hardly been used for decades, this species has recently been forgotten by hobby gardeners. In the meantime, however, rock pears are being planted again in many gardens, as they have not least a particularly impressive autumn color.

What should you look for when choosing plants?

In the garden trade usually different kinds of the rock pear are offered, which reach different stature heights and optically something different. Particularly popular is the copper rock pear (Amelanchier lamarckii), as it has a particularly magnificent color of the leaves in autumn.

Which locations are suitable for a rock pear?

Rock pears are generally very tolerant of various location factors, but prefer a sunny to partially shaded location in the garden.

What should be considered when planting or transplanting a rock pear?

A good basis for the growth of a transplanted pear is when the planting hole has been excavated as far as possible and filled with nutrient-rich substrate or with some mature compost. So the rock pear can root well at the new location and does not necessarily need another form of fertilization.

How can the rock pear be multiplied?

Although the rock pear is not prone to sloughing, but it can be relatively easily propagated by sowing or by the cultivation of head cuttings.

What is the best planting time for the rock pear?

Bell pears should preferably be planted in spring or autumn. In general, it does not affect very much on the growth, when a rock pear was planted. However, like most plants, pear trees should not necessarily be transplanted during a hot dry period.

When does the pear bloom and when can its fruits be harvested?

The pear is usually from late April to June littered with a variety of white flowers, the fruits mature to August. Traditionally, they are processed into the following products:

Which substrate is suitable for rock pears?

Rock pears basically handle almost all kinds of different soil compositions, but they thrive especially well in a slightly acidic soil with good permeability.

At what distance should rock pears be planted?

Bell pears should be planted at a distance of about one meter from other pear trees or similar sized plants.


In the case of container goods from specialist retailers, it is no longer really a question of when the plants can be planted in their own garden in the soil. A planting is possible in frost-free weather almost all year round, if the weather is not too hot and dry and the plant roots are affected as little as possible.