The difference between a field elm and a mountain elm simply explained

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The field elm has sawn leaves

The difference between a field elm and a mountain elm simply explained

The elm possesses also in this country a species-rich occurrence. Although many varieties look very similar, they still have special features that characterize their genus. Could you tell a field elm immediately from a wagtail? No? Then you should in this article necessarily inform about the different features of both elm species, to henceforth to know exactly what you are talking about.

Characteristics of the field elm

Characteristics of the mountain elm

Leaves and flowers as a sure differentiator

The field elm and the wych elm initially differ in their stature height. Here the field elm remains a few meters behind the maximum growth of the elm. Nevertheless, the size of a stand-alone tree is difficult to assess with the naked eye. If you would like to distinguish the wych elm from the field elm, you should take a look at the shape of the flowers and leaves. While the leaves of the field elm have only a single tip, those of the mountain elm usually reach three-pointed. The structure of the surface also provides information about which tree is concerned. The elm has a rough hairy top, while the underside of the leaves is soft. It is different with the field elm. Here the leaf top is smooth and shiny. In addition, you recognize the field elm on a long petiole, which is pronounced only very briefly in the elm.
A reliable differentiator is beyond that the bloom. In the parchment-like wing, you can see the seeds in it. In the elm, the seed is placed in the middle. The field elm bears its seed at the edge of the wing.

useful information

The field elm and the elm trees are closely related to each other. However, if you take it very precisely, the field elm is a subspecies of the elm that emerges from it.