How can it be if the fig does not bear fruit?

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fig Tree Won’t Fruit? 1 Simple Trick
Video: Fig Tree Won’t Fruit? 1 Simple Trick


How can it be if the fig does not bear fruit?

Who cultivates a real fig tree hopes for rich fruit yield. If the fig tree does not bear fruit even after a few years, this can have different reasons. In addition to the wrong location and an unsuitable choice of variety care mistakes may be responsible for the failure to harvest.

Most common cause: fertilization problems

In our climate only self-pollinating fig trees bear fruit. Fig varieties, which produce female and male flowers, need the help of the fig wasp for pollination. However, this species can only survive in very warm habitats south of the Alps.

Hormonal processes in the plant

Unfavorable weather conditions can disturb the hormone balance of the plant so that it does not attack fruit. The reason for this is:

Over-fertilization makes the fig rot-fast

Many owners suspect that lack of nutrient supply is the cause of the lack of fruit set and therefore increase the fertilizer dose. As a result, the fig grows very strong and drives numerous new branches and leaves; but does not produce any fruits. In this case, stop using the fertilizers completely for some time and see if the plant flowers.

Strong pruning

In our latitudes, the fig fruits only on annual wood. If it is necessary to cut back the trees in the spring, a complete crop failure can be the result. Give yourself a break and allow the tree time to recover from this care cut. In the following spring the fig grows again in most cases.

Winter cold

Even fig trees, which must be pollinated, form flowers in the form of small, bottle-shaped figs. If there is no fertilization of the common fruits, the tree throws these figs off. If the wood does not produce these flowers, the annual shoots of the figs are completely frozen in winter. In this case, ensure good winter protection in the future or transplant the fig into a tub and overwinter the fruit in a frost-free room.

Too rich fruit set

Some figs use abundant flowers, which they throw off again in grape size. Here it can help to pick off some of the common fruits. As a result, the plant puts all its energy into the remaining fruits.

Tips & Tricks

Highly frozen figs often go below ground level and below the refining point. Non-root trees form inflorescences in this case, which would have to be cross-pollinated.