Help - my fig tree gets brown leaves

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Treat Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves [& Save Your Plant Fast!]
Video: How to Treat Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves [& Save Your Plant Fast!]


Help - my fig tree gets brown leaves

If a fig tree shows a tan, this can have different causes. In addition to unfavorable site conditions, fungal diseases or incorrect casting may be considered as causes of leaf shedding.

Waterlogging causes the leaves to dry up

Figs love dry, warm surfaces and are very sensitive to too much water. Waterlogging causes the roots to rot, the plant can no longer absorb water, the leaves dry up and turn brown. In this case, make sure that the fig is in optimal soil conditions.

Sufficiently pour

If the soil dries too much, the plant can not absorb water from the soil either. She tries to protect herself from dehydration by prematurely discarding parts of the foliage. In particular, figs planted on house walls with far-reaching canopies often suffer from their dry location. Therefore, water the fig trees that you have planted on the house in the warm summer months.

leaf burn

In addition to strong sunlight, the one-sided supply of certain salts or a lack of potassium and magnesium leads to leaf tan. Even if insecticides or fungicides are used incorrectly, the leaves may turn brown and fall off.

fungal diseases

If the fig tree is attacked by rust fungi, the leaves also turn brown. Characteristic of this plant disease is that initially show small reddish brown spots on the leaves, which gradually close to the surface until the leaf finally falls.