Almost negligible - the care of feather grass

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Switzerland. A nearly ideal country. Big Episode.
Video: Switzerland. A nearly ideal country. Big Episode.


Feather grass is very easy to care for

Almost negligible - the care of feather grass

Planned as a solitaire and planted to several specimens, the feather grass in the garden is probably the most impressive. It loves the heat, it tolerates dryness and it grows slowly. With which care does it stay healthy?

When and how should one cut the feather grass?

You should take the correct cutting of the feather grass seriously:

Should you water the feather grass and if yes, when?

The biggest enemy of this ornamental grass is waterlogging. Make sure you place it in a well-drained soil. The feather grass does not necessarily have to be cast. Only in the summer heat and during prolonged periods of drought should it be supplied with water.

Does the feather grass need fertilizer?

Your feather grass hardly grows anymore? Even the pretty flowers stay out? Maybe now helps a serving of fertilizer. Normally, feather grass does not need fertilizer because it prefers lean soils. But when it loses power, perhaps a fertilizer in the form of manure, coffee grounds or black tea helps. Even in the bucket, the feather grass should be fertilized sparingly.

How to winter this ornamental grass?

In winter, the feather grass is tied with a rope into a bundle. Anyone who accidentally cut the stalks should place spruce branches or fir branches over the root area. This protects against moisture. The taking of further measures is not necessary.

Are there any diseases or pests that make life difficult for him?

There are usually no pests that voluntarily seek the proximity of this ornamental grass. At least pests do not eat around the leaves and stalks. At most, they come closer to the feather grass, to find there a shelter, for example, to spend the winter. If you notice sick leaves or leaves, just cut them off.


The flower stems dried on the plant can be cut off without hesitation in autumn and put into a vase at home (without water).