The fern as a houseplant - it depends on the care!

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Houseplant Fern Care Guide! πŸŒΏπŸ’š// Garden Answer
Video: Houseplant Fern Care Guide! πŸŒΏπŸ’š// Garden Answer


Fern grows wonderfully as a houseplant at the usual room temperatures

The fern as a houseplant - it depends on the care!

In the living room, bathroom or elsewhere in the home, a fern plant creates a tropical ambience. This feel-good atmosphere remains only at the right location and with the right care!

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Which species are particularly popular?

As indoor plants can serve many ferns. Especially well-known and widespread is the sword fern. He is simply feathered and looks enchanting, for example, in a traffic light in the bathroom. Furthermore, the following types are suitable for pot culture:

Find a location for Zimmerfarn

Most ferns love the usual room temperatures between 16 and 22 ° C. Ferns do not get along well with a place in the direct sun. Ideally, the windowsill in the bathroom, in the kitchen and in the living room, insofar as these premises are not in full sun at lunchtime.

Find the pase earth

A humus rich, well-drained substrate will best meet the needs of the fern. The soil should be slightly moist. Ideally suited is a clay granulate. On the one hand waterlogging has no chance there and on the other hand the root ball of the plant does not dry out.

Properly pour and fertilize

The fern in the room should be watered regularly. Lime-free water is best suited for this purpose. If necessary, you should descale the tap water before pouring. Furthermore, the fern meets a water fog. Spray it now and then with water!

A slow-release fertilizer is ideal for providing nutrients to the fern every two weeks from spring to autumn. You can also use a conventional flower fertilizer. But beware: use it in half concentration. More economical is a shot of milk, which you give every 2 weeks in the irrigation water.

Caution: Dry soil increases the risk of pest infestation!

Some pests, such as spider mites, aphids and European mourners, like to eat ferns. You do not have to cut off infected parts. All you have to do is clean it of the vermin and adjust the care.

Tips & Tricks

If you feel like you can easily multiply the fern by dividing the root ball. This is especially good for hem, fern, sickle fern and maidenhair fern.