What to do if the torch lily just does not want to flower?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
Flower Forest
Video: Flower Forest


What to do if the torch lily just does not want to flower?

Many hobby gardeners complain that their torch lily simply does not apply flowers. In the first year after planting, torch lilies rarely bloom. If the perennial also does not flower in the following years, this can have different causes.

First flowering after getting used to

The torch lily develops one leaf after another. But flowers do not appear. This is not unusual in the first year after planting.

Only when the perennial has settled properly, she starts the first flowers. This is usually from the second, sometimes only from the third year of the case.

Always plant torch lilies in spring. Perennials planted in the fall do not have enough time to adapt to their habitat. It will take longer for you to gather strength to form flowers.

Is the location right?

The torch lily needs a favorable location if possible in blazing sun. If the perennial is too dark, it develops - if anything - only a few flowers.

Never keep torch lobes too moist

Torch lilies tolerate short periods of drought. Waterlogging, on the other hand, does not even get to them. By too much wetness, the roots can rot. Make sure that the floor is neither too dry nor too humid.

Are there any important nutrients in the soil?

Although the rocket flowers are fairly undemanding, they still need some nutrients. If the perennial plant develops many leaves but no flowers, there may be a lack of phosphorus and potash. This should be compensated by appropriate fertilizer.

Tie up leaves in winter

Only very few varieties of the torch lily are hardy. Choose robust varieties like

These perennials handle cold best. Nevertheless, you should ensure winter protection.

In addition, you must not cut the leaves in the fall. Instead, tie them up together. This protects the heart of the perennial from moisture and direct exposure to the winter sun.

Tips & Tricks

If you want to collect seeds from your torch lily, you need to ripen blooming flowers. Forming the seeds deprives the plant of much strength and less flowers.