A guide to the sustainable removal of vinegar trees

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: DIY Organic Spray for Fruit Trees


The bigger the vinegar the more complicated the removal

A guide to the sustainable removal of vinegar trees

Although vinegar trees are beautiful shade donors and set magnificent autumnal accents, the trees should be planted with care. Their intense urge to spread makes them uncontrollable ornamental shrubs that displace native plants. The extermination of the shrubs is time consuming and consuming.

How to fight the vinegar tree:

Extract root saplings and cane rashes

Destroy all young plants regularly. Carefully pull root saplings out of the ground so that as much of the root as possible is pulled out. The root shoots can be pulled out of the ground with a joint knife. These measures must be consistently carried out over two to four years so that the mother plant is weakened and no longer forms new shoots.

Eliminate trees and rootstock

Cut down the tree and dig out stump and rhizome. The root system of the main root can reach up to two meters deep into the earth. If you can not dig up, saw off the stump near the surface. Make deep grooves in the wood and fill with compost. This measure accelerates the rotting processes. The elimination of Roundup products should be avoided, since this chemical control is not promising and pollutes the environment.

Destroy the root network in the vicinity

The flat side roots crawl through the upper soil layers. Apply the soil within a radius of ten meters around the vinegar tree layer by layer to a depth of at least 30 centimeters and remove all root parts from the substrate. Before you remove the eroded soil, you should thoroughly sift the substrate. From small root pieces new vinegar trees can emerge. If necessary, you must repeat this measure after two to four years.

Limit large stocks

In order to fight an extensive stock, you must cut the trees from outside to inside. The roots are promoted by the felling of the trees, so that they drive out more. Tear the root shoots with the root system as far as possible. In this way, the core zone becomes smaller from year to year until you finally kill the mother plant.