The different types of gentians

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Not all gentian species are blue; There are also yellow, purple and white gentian varieties

The different types of gentians

Under the Overlord Enzian a number of different types of gentians are summarized. Not all are suitable for the home garden. The individual species differ greatly in terms of flower colors, flowering times and location requirements.

Early article How Enzian is properly wintered

The big family of gentians

There are so many gentians in so many species that they can hardly be enumerated. For the hobby gardener, however, only a few varieties play a role.

For the ornamental garden are especially the low-lasting species that can be maintained very easily.

However, it is important to know the exact variety. Some species of gentians definitely need calcareous soil, while others thrive only on acid soils.

Stemless gentian species

The two best known stemless gentian species grown in the garden are the Clusius gentian and the Kochian gentian. They look very similar, but have very different wishes for the location.

On calcareous soils it is best to plant Clusius gentian, on acid soil the Kochian gentian is the better choice.

Distinguish the two types of flowering. The flowers of Koch's Enzian have five eye-catching green dots. The shoots of the Clusius gentian are also shorter than those of the other representative of the gentian family.

Small overview of known gentian species

Tips & Tricks

The Enzian brandy, which is very popular in southern Europe, is made from the root of the yellow gentian. The perennials grown in the ornamental garden do not contain enough bitter substances to extract the typical gentian flavor from it.