Angel trumpets - how best to care for them

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Angel trumpet - grow & care (Brugmansia)
Video: Angel trumpet - grow & care (Brugmansia)


The angel trumpet has a high water requirement

Angel trumpets - how best to care for them

To cultivate an angel trumpet to its famous splendor, you have to invest as a hobby gardener a little work. The Andean beauty is not quite easy - which care measures are indispensable for a successful cultivation, read below.

What angel trumpets want

The most important thing in the care of angel trumpets is:

Pour, pour, pour

The angel trumpet, scientifically Brugmansia, comes from the South American Andes. In Germany, she is only too happy to be bred for her magnificent flowers - however, her original origin brings with her local cultivation some demands. For one thing, it is an extremely thirsty plant due to its evaporation-rich, surface-rich leaves and must be kept in this container due to its sensitivity to cold in the bucket. This combination brings a lot of casting work with you.

During the main vegetation period, from spring to summer, it is advisable to water the angel's trumpet daily. Each time, wait for the water to get out of the bottom of the bucket and into the coaster. On particularly warm days in summer, the angel trumpet becomes a drunkard. Here you should water them vigorously at least twice a day.

If your tap water is calcareous, use it for casting because the angel's trumpet is calf-loving.

Fertilization is mandatory

On the other hand, as a nightshade plant, it has the typical characteristic of the star-tinder. It not only needs a lot to drink, but also a lot of nutrients to thrive. A rich substrate and continuous fertilization are also needed.

First of all, you should offer the angel trumpet a voluminous substrate in a large bucket. Fill this with container potting soil and ensure a good drainage with a sub-layer of expanded clay. You should also treat her to a new, larger pot after the winter break and enrich the substrate with slow-release fertilizer. This will avoid acute deficiencies throughout the growing season.

In addition, you should provide the plant with a nitrogenous growth fertilizer about twice a week in the spring. So she trains a strong growth and is well prepared for the exhausting flowering phase. You can also use special liquid fertilizer for angel trumpets.

As soon as the first flowering comes on, go for potassium-containing flowering fertilizers for potted plants, which can increase your flowering enjoyment.

Cut and overwintering

The pruning and the hibernation are two more appealing chapters on angel trumpet care.

Moderate cut

When editing is not particularly important to note. Before wintering, you can cut back the plant a little, not too radical. The less you cut, the lush the flowering of the following season will be. So cut only the outer, forked shoots.

Hibernate relatively mildly

The wintering quarter of the angel trumpet can be either light or dark. Depending on the light, the optimum temperature is quite mild 12 to 18 ° C in bright locations or around 10 ° C in dark locations. During the winter break, water only so much that the root ball does not dry out.