One leaf gets brown spots - causes and their elimination

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Identifying Different Causes of Leaf Spots | Indoor Houseplant Care Tips | Ep 126
Video: Identifying Different Causes of Leaf Spots | Indoor Houseplant Care Tips | Ep 126


Brown spots on the single leaf can have different causes

One leaf gets brown spots - causes and their elimination

A healthy leaf has dark green, glossy leaves. If the plant is not feeling well, you will recognize this by, among other things, a discoloration of the foliage. Brown spots or dots are often an indication that you meant it too well with fertilizer. But even a pest infestation and the quite common leaf spot disease can be behind this phenomenon.

Note on over-fertilization

Depending on the size of the plant, the location and the season, the leaves are supplied with a houseplant fertilizer every two to eight weeks. An over-fertilization, ergo an excessive supply of nutrients, becomes noticeable over time by brown spots on the leaves. In such a case, you turn the plant into fresh substrate and reduce the amount of fertilizer.

pest infestation

In particular, if the plant is too dry or the humidity is too low, the single leaf gets first brown leaf tips. In addition, the weakened plant can later be attacked by pests such as spider mites or the red spider. These love dry, warm air and feed on the nutritious leaf juice. By piercing the veins, small, brown dots are created. Later, the whole leaf discolors and eventually dies.

How to get rid of spider mites & Co.

Spider mites & Co. do not like high humidity, which is why you can both prevent and fight an infestation with the regular spraying of the plant. However, use only decalcified or soft rainwater, which should also be warmed to room temperature.

Leaf spot

If the spots on the leaves are dark brown with a lighter border or bright, ring-shaped and crumbly - both variants are possible - then it is very likely the leaf spot disease. In addition, the lower leaves usually dry up. To fight the disease, you must remove the affected leaves and dispose of them with the trash. In severe cases special preparations from the specialized trade help, whereby you should put primarily on organic quality - all other means should not be applied in living rooms.


To make sure your leaf feels comfortable, make sure you have a good spot, fertilize the plant regularly and keep both the air and the substrate evenly moisturized. However, avoid waterlogging.