The yew is dried up - why and how can we prevent it?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Woodturning - The Yew Root
Video: Woodturning - The Yew Root


Young yew trees need a lot of water, otherwise they will dry up

The yew is dried up - why and how can we prevent it?

Yew tree brown needles that later fall off are rarely an indication of a disease. Rather, it is likely that the yew has dried up. Yew trees are very hardy trees, but they need some attention just in the first time after planting. This will prevent the yew from drying up.

Signs of a dried-up yew

If the yew gets many brown needles that fall off and the branches break easily, you can assume that the yew has dried up.

You can try to save them if there are still some healthy branches on the tree. Cut back the yew and water the tree regularly. Avoid waterlogging.

Why does the yew dry up?

Yews have very soft evergreen needles. They evaporate a lot of water through these needles, so a yew always needs a well-moist soil.

In older yews, the risk of dehydration is usually not. They have long, deep roots, with which they can absorb enough moisture from deep layers.

In newly planted yews and trees, which only grow in the garden for a few years, the roots are not yet pronounced strong enough. It is therefore necessary to water the trees more often.

Do not forget yew in winter

Like many other trees in the garden, the yew is often forgotten in winter. This can be a problem when the winter is very dry. A constantly frozen soil, which leaves no moisture to the roots, harms the yew.

Water the yew on a frost-free day, especially if you have planted it in recent years. This will prevent the yew from drying up.

Protect yew with mulch cover

Put a mulch cover under the yew in the spring. This keeps the moisture in the soil longer. At the same time, the decomposed mulch material fertilizes the soil and supplies the yew with nutrients.


After winter, some yews also show brown needles without the tree drying out. This needle staining is triggered by strong irradiation by the winter sun. This is not dangerous, the yew will recover very quickly in the spring.