So you can make an ivy fence yourself

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
DIY Ivy Garden Wall
Video: DIY Ivy Garden Wall


Ivy covers every fence in a short time

So you can make an ivy fence yourself

Ivy is very popular because of its rapid growth and easy care to make an ivy fence itself. The evergreen climber also forms an opaque screen in winter. However, you should think twice about getting ivy in the garden. He will be hard to destroy later.

Greening fences with ivy - pros and cons

Making a fence of ivy yourself can be very useful. Ivy has some advantages:

There are also some disadvantages to creating an ivy fence:

In shady locations ivy is definitely a good choice, because in the shade only a few hedge plants thrive. In addition, ivy is inexpensive or can be propagated quickly from tendrils.

Which fences are suitable as an ivy fence?

Ivy needs a surface to the Emporranken, where the stick roots find enough hold. The fence material must be stable, as ivy gets a lot of weight over time. In addition, the fence should not be too bright, as the ivy banks only up on dark surfaces.

Well suited are dark wooden fences. But also wire mesh fences can be very well greened with ivy. You only have to pull the tendrils through the mesh at the beginning. Later, the tadpoles attach to the lignified Efeutriebe. You can throw long shoots over the fence and just let them tend.

Create ivy fence

Making an ivy fence yourself is not difficult. You just need to put ivy on an existing fence.

The planting distance should be between two and three plants per meter.

You can plant ivy at any time, especially spring and fall.

How to care for an ivy fence properly

Once ivy has really grown, it hardly needs care anymore. You just have to cut it back once or twice a year. In winter, the ivy should be watered occasionally.


If you use wire mesh as a fence material, you may need to re-tension the wires more often. The weight of the wire mesh is slightly pulled down too much.