Remove ivy from a wall - manual work is required!

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Ivy can usually not be removed from the house wall without residue

Remove ivy from a wall - manual work is required!

Sometimes it is inevitable to free ivy from a wall. Be it that the masonry is already suffering, whether it is too difficult to prune the ivy at high altitude - it is certain that the removal of ivy can be a tedious and exhausting work.

Sticky roots of ivy are persistent

Ivy climbs up the wall of the house with its sticky roots. These stick roots have the unpleasant property of being very stubborn and clinging to the ground with all their might.

It is not enough to simply tear or cut off the ivy. A large part of the adhesive roots remains on the wall and leaves ugly spots there.

With high-pressure cleaners or sandblasters, you often do not get very far if you want to remove ivy from a wall. These devices severely damage the walls.

Tear off ivy from top to bottom

Begin by tearing off the ivy from top to bottom. For walls with joints you have to be very careful.

Even plastered walls can only drive ivy with great effort and care. If you are too careless, you may need to repopulate the house later.

Remove ivy from clinker walls

For clinker walls, the joints are the big problem. Here you should tackle the ivy with spatulas and wire brushes.

Residues always stay

Whatever you do, ivy always leaves residue on the wall. Often the wall looks very unsightly afterwards. For smooth walls, a new coat of paint can solve the problem.

For clinker walls, remove the remains of the adhesive roots with wire brushes.

Dig up the root

To permanently destroy ivy from a wall, you must dig up the root. This can also be a difficult task. Depending on how old the ivy has been, the underground root reaches very deep. Sometimes you have to dig 60 centimeters and more to get the roots out of the ground.


For very high walls, it may be worthwhile instructing a specialist company to remove the ivy. The experts know exactly how to eliminate the ivy permanently without damaging the house wall.