What to consider when repotting ivy

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Look After Your Houseplant Ivy (Including Propagating And Repotting)
Video: How To Look After Your Houseplant Ivy (Including Propagating And Repotting)


Once a year young ivy should be repotted

What to consider when repotting ivy

Ivy as a houseplant you need to repot regularly. Only then is it guaranteed that the roots have enough space to spread out. In addition, the substrate decomposes over time. When is it time to repot the ivy and what should be considered?

When is it time to repot ivy?

At the latest, when the first root tips stick out of the pot, it is time to repot ivy. Young ivy plants should be treated to a new pot every year.

Even older plants must be regularly placed in fresh soil and, if necessary, in a larger planter. Repot is required at least every two years. But it is even better here to replant the ivy every year.

The best time to repot

The best time to repot is spring. Then the ivy ends its resting phase and drives out again.

Sometimes it may be necessary to repot ivy later, for example, to save it from entering. The plant then needs a longer time to recover.

The right pot

If the old pot has become too small, choose a planter that has about two to three centimeters more diameter.

Pull the ivy as a climbing plant, the pot should be slightly larger and deeper, so that the trellis has space in it. When planted as a traffic light plant, the planter may be smaller.

The pot must have sufficiently large drain holes so that excess irrigation water can drain off. To avoid waterlogging, you should refrain from coasters.

How to repot ivy

After repotting, you should not fertilize ivy for several weeks. Otherwise there is a risk of over-fertilization, since the fresh soil contains many nutrients.


The plant substrate plays a subordinate role in ivy. Ivy can handle almost any soil as long as it is permeable but can still store enough water. Mix some granules under the soil to keep the substrate moist.