Ivy even tolerates locations in the shade

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 15 June 2024
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Ivy thrives wonderfully in the shade

Ivy even tolerates locations in the shade

Ivy really does not need a lot of light. The undemanding climber even gets along with shadow layers. With ivy, you can easily green spaces in the garden where nothing else grows. But not only in the shade, ivy also thrives in the sun.

Green shady areas in the garden

With ivy, you green spaces in the garden, where there is little light, such as

In shady locations, the leaves of ivy remain dark green. The shoots grow long and appear a little thinner. However, this only applies to young ivy up to the age of about ten years.

Age-type of the ivy loves sun

If the ivy has reached its age after about ten years, places in the shade are no longer ideal. Now the plant prefers sunny locations.

It is therefore best to place ivy in partially shaded places where it will get at least a few hours of sun.

Pour little in shady areas

In shady locations, ivy needs less moisture because it does not evaporate so quickly. The brighter the plant, the more you need to water it.

Shady locations in the room

In the attitude as a houseplant it likes the ivy quite bright. Ideal, however, is indirect light, no direct sunlight even at lunchtime. If the plant is in the flower window, it must be shaded over noon.

You can easily pull ivy in a hanging lamp or put it on a shelf in the room. But if there is too much shade there, the shoots go awry and become long and thin and fewer leaves appear.

Buntlaubige varieties do not thrive in the shade

An exception are the ivy varieties, which have variegated leaves with white or yellow parts. For the colors to develop properly, these varieties need about three to four hours of direct sunlight. If they are only in the shade, the colors remain very pale.


White or very bright house walls can not be well-greened with ivy. These colors reflect the light too much, so that the ivy turns away from the wall and does not form anchoring roots. In this case, you should attach a dark trellis.