The best location for mountain ash

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The best location for mountain ash

Rowan, also called rowan berries, are among the undemanding deciduous trees. They are often grown in gardens because of their red berries. The tree does not need much care. When choosing the location, however, you should pay attention to a few points.

Choosing the right location

Protect from heat

A mountain ash needs light to thrive. In a sunny or at least partially shady place it grows best.

However, rowan trees do not tolerate heat well. Therefore, do not plant the tree next to house walls or walls. These store the heat in summer and affect growth.

Adult mountain ash grows up to two meters wide. They form strong roots that can damage dense plants.

Tips & Tricks

Because of the aggressive roots, you should never plant rowan trees near sewer pipes. Applying a root barrier prevents it from spreading too much.
