Properly care for a trimming flower - tips for care

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Care for Your Flowers: Flower Care Tips from Nico De Swert | Pottery Barn
Video: How to Care for Your Flowers: Flower Care Tips from Nico De Swert | Pottery Barn


Only if the trifolium flower is well cared for, it will bloom abundantly

Properly care for a trimming flower - tips for care

The trifolium flower - also called bougainvillea or miracle flower - is valued for its abundance of flowers. It enchants every terrace and every conservatory. However, the care is not easy. How to maintain triplet flowers.

Next article When and how do you have to cut your triplet flower?

How do you properly water trifolium flowers?

The pot bale should never dry out completely or get too wet. Waterlogging does not tolerate the dripping flower!

Do not water until the surface of the substrate is dry. Use soft water. Always dump excess irrigation water.

When do tripling flowers need to be fertilized?

Fertilize every month from spring. During flowering, fertilize a driftwood flower every two weeks with a fertilizer for flowering plants.

If you plant a trumpet flower as a bonsai, the plant will be fed more frequently during the summer.

How are bougainvillea cut?

Drilling flowers need a pruning, so they branch vigorously and form many new flowers.

In spring, the shoots are cut by half. Later, only slight cuts are made.

Before you place the Bougainvillea in winter in the winter quarters, you may also cut them back so that the plant has enough space. Just make something out of it.

When is repotting on the program?

Repotting is always done when the pot is well rooted. This can happen every spring when the plant is fast growing. It's time for a new pot when the roots look down from the vent hole.

Which diseases and pests occur?

Mildew is a common problem. This fungal disease shows up in gray or white coverings on the leaves. Reason is too high ball moisture or stagnant air.

As pests, scale insects occur more frequently. In case of a light infestation you can rub off the leaves. In case of heavy infestation use commercially available sprays.

How is a triplet flower overwintered?

Drilling flowers should keep you cooler in winter at three to twelve degrees. If the plant is too warm in winter, it will bloom little or not at all.

Pour very sparingly. If the bougainvillea is overwintered in a too dark location, it loses its leaves. This is a normal process.


Drilling flowers are very fast growing. You therefore need a lot of space if you want to hold several specimens or multiply the plant yourself.