Winterize the dragon tree as gently as possible

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Wintering Plants in Containers
Video: Wintering Plants in Containers


The dragon tree likes it bright even in winter

Winterize the dragon tree as gently as possible

The dragon tree is one of the reasonably easy-care houseplants and can by regular repotting in the house quite a stately growth in the day. This plant feels really comfortable with temperatures that stay as warm as possible throughout the year.

The dragon tree likes it sunny and warm even in winter

Due to the natural habitat of most subspecies, the dragon tree has a high sensitivity to cold temperatures. Dragon trees should be as bright as possible in the winter (if not directly in the sunlight at the window) and should not be exposed to temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius. Certain dragon trees can even hang the leaves in cooler temperatures below 16 degrees Celsius.

Adapt the care measures to the hibernation of the dragon tree

During the so-called hibernation from about November to March, the following care measures and location factors should be adjusted accordingly:

You should not fertilize the dragon tree during the winter months and should always be poured only when the top soil layer feels crumbly dry again. Although a lot of daylight has a positive effect, too much direct sunlight can also damage the leaves.


The dragon tree thrives very well on the balcony during the summer months, but it must be rescued in the fall in time for cold weather phases in the house.