Successfully use the dragon tree for greening on the balcony

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Spyro the Dragon- How to Reach Tree Tops Secret Areas w/ Supercharge Ramp Jumps (Launch Date Trophy)
Video: Spyro the Dragon- How to Reach Tree Tops Secret Areas w/ Supercharge Ramp Jumps (Launch Date Trophy)


The dragon tree may not be too sunny or too wet

Successfully use the dragon tree for greening on the balcony

The dragon tree needs frost-free temperatures throughout the year and therefore can not be cultivated outdoors in our latitudes. The popular houseplant can be used in certain circumstances and with appropriate care seasonally greening on the balcony.

A plant that loves the average and the mediocre

Dragon trees are therefore so popular as a houseplant, because they are not only considered evergreen and particularly decorative, but also as a relatively easy-care. But this only applies within the protective walls of a house, which protect the dragon tree from excessive fluctuations of the following factors:

Dragon trees like it bright, but can be too allergic to too much direct sunlight. These plants love a relatively high humidity, which can be achieved in closed rooms by the targeted spraying with water. In contrast to many other plants, the dragon tree does not mind at all if its location is almost the same all year round.

Beware of sunburn

In natural ranges such as in the Canary Islands, dragon trees are usually involved in a diverse flora, so that the plants are often in the shade under the canopy of other trees. On a balcony, on the other hand, not only direct sunlight can become a problem itself. Since the masonry or sometimes the balcony parapet and the window panes absorb and also reflect a lot of sunlight, there are sometimes very extreme light and temperature conditions in summer. This manifests itself in the dragon tree by "burnt" -looking leaves with large areas of brown or brown spots. A parasol or an awning can effectively protect the dragon tree from the sun, even on a south-facing balcony.

Find the right place for the culture on the balcony

Not only the sun is on a balcony a factor for the care of the dragon tree, also drafts tolerate the different dragon tree species usually very poorly. The dragon tree should therefore be placed in a partially shaded place sheltered from the wind with enough indirect daylight to produce healthy growth and perhaps even a flower. Since the dragon tree always grows towards the light, it may be necessary to regularly rewind these plants on the balcony for a straight growth.


Make sure that heat and drafts on the balcony allow the dragon tree in the pot to dry out faster. You should therefore water the plants regularly as soon as the soil in the pot feels dry and crumbly on the surface.