Pull the offshoot from the dragon tree itself

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Broken Sword 3 - The Sleeping Dragon - Walkthrough Part 6
Video: Broken Sword 3 - The Sleeping Dragon - Walkthrough Part 6


Dragon trees can be multiplied well over offshoots

Pull the offshoot from the dragon tree itself

The dragon tree is due to its evergreen leaves a very popular houseplant and under the right conditions in the summer can also be placed on a not too hot balcony. If you can not get enough of this relatively easy-to-maintain plant, it is also easy to grow offshoots for hobby gardeners.

Reasons for propagation by cuttings

Dragon trees generally only rarely flower, as certain factors such as a certain age of the plant, a cooler temperature and a certain dryness must prevail for flowering. This not only makes propagation over the seeds of the plant tedious, but also difficult. Material for cuttings can also occur on the dragon tree by itself, for example, if this is in a too bright location in the apartment. Then the plant tends to form a long, relatively bare "trunk", as it tries to stretch out after the light of day. With the pruning of the dragon tree and the simultaneous extraction of cuttings, you achieve a more compact and sometimes also more branched growth habit of the plants.

Choose the right time and properly feed the mother plant

So that the cut head and stem cuttings get enough light and heat during the rooting phase, the propagation should take place in the summer if possible. Use a sharp knife, or even better, a well-pruned pruning shears to cut the stems of the plant clean with a straight cut. The cut cuttings should preferably have a length of 20 to 30 centimeters each. Usually, only at the top of the dragon tree are several levels of leaves anyway. If your cuttings tend to be cut short, it may be a good idea to remove some of the lower leaves for successful rooting. You can protect the interface with the mother plant with some charcoal dust or a dripped wax layer from the germs of germs until new shoots have formed below the drying root tip a few weeks later.

The cuttings want to be placed correctly

In order for the still rootless branches to be able to form roots in peace, they should not be placed in the blazing sun. As a general rule, the dragon tree should never be in full sun all day, otherwise it may cause sunburn and brown leaves. Like the rooted specimens, offshoots of the dragon tree also appreciate high humidity or the regular spraying of leaves with water. Should the cuttings form roots in the water, then a light-tight vessel should be chosen, in which the water should be replaced every few days. The cuttings can also be plugged directly into suitable soil.

Creative ideas for dragon tree breeding

In the propagation of dragon trees, you can also let your creativity run wild. For example, there are the following design ideas:


Special rooting hormones are not necessary for the propagation of the dragon tree, since it already reliably forms roots after three to four weeks. It may be beneficial if you let the cuttings dry for about 24 hours before they get into the water or into the soil.