Freeze the dill and preserve the aroma during storage

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How to Freeze Fresh Dill
Video: How to Freeze Fresh Dill


Freeze the dill and preserve the aroma during storage

Fresh dill can be kept in the fridge for up to three weeks after the harvest, but usually loses some of its aroma very quickly. Freezing as a storage method is suitable for storing the dill tips and the dill herb.

Earlier item harvest dill and use in the kitchen Next article Dry dill and preserve for seasoning

The freezing of dill in comparison with other storage methods

The brown dill seeds do not need to be frozen, they are obtained by drying the ripe umbels of the dill and kept well ventilated in jars or paper bags. Dill and dill herbs, on the other hand, lose a lot of their original flavor when dried. Therefore, it is better to keep the plant parts of the dill in frozen condition for future use in the kitchen. Sometimes dill spikes are also finely chopped and processed with salt to a storable spice mixture. However, even with this method, the preservation of the natural dillaroma and the storage time are rather limited.

Harvest the dill correctly and process it fresh for storage

If you want to harvest dill tips for storage, then you should harvest them before the dill blossom if possible. From the time of flowering, the otherwise rather delicate shoot tips of the dill plant can become rather hard. For fresh processing as a spice and also for freezing, it is important that the dill and dill are cut as fresh as possible. To save a visibly swarming amount of cut dill by freezing before the compost heap, makes aromatically meaningless in the rule. When preparing for freezing, clean dill does not necessarily have to be washed. However, if you want to free it from dust or other dirt, you can rinse it with cold water and then dab gently with kitchen towels.

Freeze dill for a variety of uses, whole or crushed

Ideally, before freezing, think about what you would like to use the dill for later. For pickling salmon, dill tips are better frozen in the whole. But you can also mince the dill and the dill tips gently or freeze with some water in an ice cube shape if you want to use the dill as a spice for the following foods:

An easy way to chop up dillweed is to freeze a small amount of it in a freezer bag. Then take the bag out of the freezer as quickly as possible so that the dill can not thaw. Crush and break the frozen dill through the bag with your hands, breaking it into small pieces.

Tips & Tricks

Even if you like the smell and taste of dill, you should pack this spice in the freezer always good. Otherwise, over time, frozen dill may unintentionally release flavor to other foods stored in the freezer.