The Dieffenbachia gets yellow leaves - what is the cause?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Houseplant Q&A: Dieffenbachia yellowing, peace lily brown tips
Video: Houseplant Q&A: Dieffenbachia yellowing, peace lily brown tips


Yellow leaves on the Dieffenbachia are often due to improper watering or an unfavorable location

The Dieffenbachia gets yellow leaves - what is the cause?

Dating from the rainforests of South and Central America, Dieffenbachia is one of the best known and most popular indoor plants. One of the reasons for this is that it is considered to be extremely easy to care for and looks very attractive with its spotted or striped leaves. However, the foliage is sometimes discolored yellow and falls off.

Early article The care of Dieffenbachia Next article The Diffenbachia gets brown leaves - causes and remedies

The causes can be:

The Dieffenbachia does not like drafts

If the leafy plant stands in front of a window that is often tilted or directly on a door, cool air constantly sweeps through the foliage. This does not like the plant and it reacts with a yellowing of the leaves.


Put the Dieffenbachie in a sheltered, warm place where it will recover quickly.

Wrong location

Also on lack of light in a very dark place the Dieffenbachia reacts sensitively.


Ideal is a partially shaded location, for example, on a west or east window. If the Dieffenbachie is a little bit away from the window, an hourly attached plant lamp provides enough light.

Bad room climate

Especially in the winter months, the humidity in the apartment often falls into an area that does not like jungle plants like Dieffenbachie.


In this case, improve the climate by:

Was too much or too little poured?

Did you mean it too well with the watering or too sparingly for fear of root rot? This, too, can initially lead to a yellowing of the foliage before it dries and is finally discarded.


Always water the Dieffenbachie when the upper centimeters of the substrate feel dry. Excessive water in the saucer should be removed after a few minutes.


It is natural that the lower leaves of Dieffenbachia die off and are repelled. If the plant kills, it may be cut back to about twenty centimeters. She then drives out fresh and strong again.